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Common Area Waste Removal in Marietta, GA

Commercial Dog Poop Removal Services

Let’s be honest – not all community residents or business patrons always pick up after their dogs in common areas. Even with pet waste stations installed, it’s inevitable to find piles of dog poop here and there. If you’re seeking an alternative to having reluctant on-site staff or landscapers picking up dog poop at a commercial property, shared space, or entire community, DoodyCalls® of Marietta has you covered. We’ll ensure your grounds are clean and safe for everyone to enjoy.

Get a free quote online or call (678) 245-4112 for a free service quote!

Our Expertise

We proudly serve a variety of commercial customers, from HOAs to breweries to public parks. Our services include dog poop pickup for commercial properties and additional cleanups, such as spraying off sidewalks. Our DoodyCalls® of Marietta team is ready to get to work whenever you need us, whether that’s twice a week, weekly, or at custom intervals.

Check out our other commercial services, like removing waste from different animals and setting up pet waste stations. 

How the Waste Removal Service Works

When you request common area pet waste removal services, DoodyCalls® of Marietta technicians patrol the entire area, including:

  • Paths
  • Patios and lots
  • Pool areas
  • Playgrounds
  • Lawns
  • Fields and sports fields
  • Any other areas where pets are likely to do their “business”

We double-bag the waste (including trash we may have found) and then either dispose of it in your receptacles or carry it away – whatever you prefer. Our shoes and tools are cleaned between each service, so we never add to the mess or potential health concerns; we only provide the solution!

What Frequency Do I Need?

Commercial dog poop scooper services are available once, twice, and three times a week. If you’re noticing a lot of dog poop in your community areas, we recommend having our team visit at least once a week. This prevents the “pile-on effect,” where people justify not cleaning up after their dogs because they already see existing waste in the area.

We can discuss your needs and learn more about your property to make a custom service frequency recommendation. We can also adjust the frequency after a few appointments based on the nuances of your community.

Why Choose DoodyCalls® of Marietta?

  • We stay ahead of pet waste accumulation, even in large areas.
  • Each of our locations has trained, uniformed teams who respect your property.
  • With 20+ years of experience, we’ve helped thousands of communities and businesses.

Ready to get started? Request a free quote today!

Common Area Pet Waste Removal FAQs

How much does this service cost? 

The cost for our commercial dog waste pickup varies based on frequency and the amount of cleanup needed. To get the most accurate quote, contact us online today!

What should I do if my tenants are not picking up dog poop? 

Many apartment complexes consider dog poop pickup services to be routine maintenance, but it’s frustrating when tenants never clean up after their pets. You may choose to fine tenants if they are seen breaking the rules of their lease. Positive encouragement methods include adding dog waste bag stations and a fenced dog park area.

What’s a standard fine for not picking up dog poop? 

Some cities have laws against leaving dog poop on the ground; breaking these laws can result in fines from $50 to $2,000 or more! Individual property owners may set their policies within leases however they see fit.

Let DoodyCalls Pick Up Where Your Pet Left Off

Get a free & fast quote now!

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